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Work, Health and Safety Resources

Healthcare Infographic 200625_01_1.jpg

SafeWork Australia have recently released an infographic regarding workplace injuries in the Health Care and Social Assistance Sector.

We need to ensure we minimise all hazards, reduce all physical

and psychosocial hazards and then apply any physical effort using the

large muscles of the lower limbs.


WA adopted the new Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and

Regulations 2022 in March 2022.

Here are some links to information and resources:


The new WHS Laws for WA  commenced on 31 March 2022

See here for more information as an overview.


Documents with information in a language other than English


DMIRS Video series

WHS Laws:

What is a PCBU:

Intro to WHS Act 2020:

What is reasonably practicable:


Reasonably Practicable

There is some really useful information in this document to justify why higher controls need to be implemented.


Information covering how multiple PCBUs need to consult regarding controls. This applies when there is more than one business involved in providing support to a participant.


Responsibilities for WHS Service providers,to%20persons%20at%20the%20workplace.


Volunteers – includes students and perhaps family carers

Volunteers may be considered workers under the new WHS Act, but not all volunteers. An interpretative guide has been provided and is worth a read. Students, unpaid carers are potentially volunteers/ workers.


Approved Codes of Practice


Code of Practice How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks 2022

These pages are worthy of review:  7; 9; 15-16; 17-18; 20-22, 37


Work Health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination


Code of Practice Hazardous Manual Tasks 2022 These pages are worthy of review: 5-9; 19,23-24; 28; 36-38; 44-45; 59; 67


A simplified version of a Hazardous Manual  Tasks Worksheet, from SafeWork SA


SafeActions has created a condensed version of the HMT Worksheet that can assist you in determining if a full risk assessment is required


Code of Practice Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace 2022


Mentally Healthy Workplace Codes of Practice 2022


Working Hours


Working Alone


A simple poster outlining the steps the risk management process can serve as a reminder identify hazards, assess the risk, use control strategies and evaluate for effectiveness.  Please feel free to use the poster, acknowledging its source.


The information below is from the previous legislation and may still be useful.


Responsive behaviours / behaviours of concern can cause manual tasks injuries. Worksafe WA have developed an Incident Investigation Checklist and Risk Assessment Advice specifically aimed at the health care and social assistance sector.


Specific advice regarding hazards and  controls is also available for 

Home Based Care, Education SectorChild Care, Cleaning, Parks and Gardens and Warehousing.



If you are interested in further studies regarding Dementia and other conditions then the University of Tasmania offers free massive open online communication (MOOC) courses in Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and Traumatic Brain Injury.


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